Modern warfare 2 rust map
Modern warfare 2 rust map

With its tight, snaking design, expect a lot of CQB loadouts in Rust. While the open sight lines mean fewer close-quarters surprises, this section is near open ground to enemies on the tower. Lastly, the open west end features cover to the north and south, but is largely open to attack in the middle, save for a blue container offering a short, covered path along the middle edge. Expect a lot of action around the oil derrick, from sharpshooters on top of the structure to enemies on the ground using it for cover. The pipeline splits, in one direction onto the tower’s middle platform and in the other out against the north fence toward an oil derrick in the northwest corner of the map. In the north, the action takes place over and under a large pipeline. A south-facing ladder offers one of two access points to the tower’s middle platform here, where players gain a commanding view of the east side of the map with nearby pathways winding around and further up the tower. The sight lines open up a bit to the east, though watch the fuel tank and shipping crates for enemy movement. Learn the layout here to cut off enemy movement in a vital part of the map. Be ready to engage at a moment’s notice, and similarly in the maze underneath the tower, another close-quarters hot spot. To the south, a barricade and fuel depots offer bunched up cover where CQB shines.

modern warfare 2 rust map

It’s a high risk, high reward action that will tempt someone every match. Race up the south-facing exhaust chute or climb a ladder to reach the top. The tower’s top platform offers a near total view of the map below and because of that is such a highly valued power position. The large central tower overlooks a field of pipes, fuel, shipping containers, and other industrial features.

modern warfare 2 rust map

One of the best hiding places can also be found in this area of the map.Rust is a small sized map set in an oil yard in the desert. The alleyway behind the small building is ideal for catching a break from the action but it is very easy to get ambushed by a flurry of enemies looking to secure control of the area. The southeast corner of the map is a great place to get a good view of the ensuing chaos that takes place on the map. Players can either choose to set up camp with a couple of claymores at both entrances or use them as a temporary safe-space before advancing into the dangerous outside space. One of the better places to hide from anyone at the top of the tower is in the shipping containers that can be found on the outer edges of the map. Expect someone hiding in there with a shotgun! The Outer Container It is also important to be aware of the sneaky dark passages that can be found in close proximity to the ladder.

modern warfare 2 rust map

With many ways to access it, it is always important to be aware of anyone attempting to encroach on your position when at the very top. The most obvious hotspot on this map is the huge tower.

Modern warfare 2 rust map